How to be a Psychopath - chapter 6 - possession




The psychopath must realise that possession is the core of their business. First, they must become enslaved. Yes! All psychopaths are slaves to themselves; or more accurately, possessed by their-self. Self-satisfaction leads to obsession that leads to a persistent feeling of lack. To the psychopath the feeling of self is a one-dimensional experience. They are amazed by others who have a sense of self as something they have crafted or arises from within. Psychopaths sense self like it is a puppet, like they are the puppet; however, they have no sense of a master.


Do not read: you also sense self in the same way, but with a degree of puppet-master awareness. Through a process of, what is commonly known as, enlightenment you can become the master exclusively. In this awakened state you will perceive self as an arising that emanates from the ‘essential’ you; it is a state that affords you a deep sense of calm. For the purposes of this guide however, it is not necessary to understand or experience any kind of awakening. With the exploration of self and how it is that it arises, comes the opportunity to ensure self, the puppet, is not in control of the master. Daughter Talk is an invitation down that rabbit hole if you so desire.


Evolving psychopaths must ensure their-self is always in control. Or in other words, the created self, like the apprentice assassinating their master to claim prestige, must never conceive itself as a puppet. In an everyday sense, most people are not actively aware of the puppet-master relationship. However, reasonably well-adjusted people are innately aware that unbridled selfishness will lead to ostracization and self-destruction; this default moderating is the master influence. Wannabe psychopaths must avoid developing this awareness. Self must be the controlling factor. So much so, that any sense that self may be an arising, extending from the essential being the psychopath is, must be entirely rejected. This will lead to a hollow, painful feeling inside. This feeling will be enhanced whenever the psychopath is in the company of people who are untroubled by displaying conciliation, admitting they are wrong, laughing at themselves, apologising, moderating their emotions, etc. Or in other words, appear to be applying limits and corrections onto self in a way that suggests self is not in control. 


Self, with no sense of origin is a very confused entity. The psychopath must develop a hunger for correcting this lack of awareness. This hunger will intensify subsequent to the amount of suffering. The periscope, that has no notion of the submarine it arises from, will look at other periscopes and be confused by the submarine they appear to be supported by. In this way, the beginning psychopath must learn to possess other people. Regarding the Periscope analogy, a decentralised Periscope looking at other periscopes will see the submarine they are supported by as an alluring object. In this way, what is a deeply authentic or even spiritual dimension of a reasonably well-adjusted self, for the psychopath will be objectified. In extreme cases, the psychopath will want to dissect and explore the object, as it is represented in other people. This will lead to inflicting physical pain and suffering.


Do not read: hopefully, you are developing a means for understanding why some people are apparently evil.Psychopaths are solely obsessed by self; it leads to vanity and self-worship. They see their ‘being’ as an object. Subsequently, they see reasonably well-adjusted beings such as you and I might be, as objects also. Reasonably well-adjusted people are encountered by the psychopath as a mirror, but the reflection is incomplete. There is an authenticity dimension they are in capable of perceiving; this leads to a dangerous and obsessive kind of curiosity. In this way, they cannot empathise because they comprehend others as objects; not dissimilar to the objectification by which they regard themselves. Imagine a puppet looking at other puppets and is confused by the presence of the puppet master. It has no sense of a master, it subsequently wants to ‘examine’ the master, it becomes obsessed by the substantiating influence of the master, it is envious of puppets with masters; like a child pulling the legs off an insect it thinks it can disassemble the master and learn the secrets of its composition.


In the catalogue of urges the psychopath is enslaved to, possession-of-others can be an immensely powerful one. Some emerging psychopaths may develop an interest in acts of violence for their own sake. This is an attempt to exorcise some notion of authenticity from their-self or from others. It will cause a hollow, painful sense of chasm within, but psychopaths must develop a dispassionate curiosity in the authenticity of others. Be warned, any attempt to ‘look’ for this authenticity will likely result in crude acts of violence; against yourself. Yes! It is inevitable that the victim will ultimately be the ‘being’ you are, from which the ‘self’ you are imprisoned by emerges. In this way, psychopaths are destined to self-destruct; like someone cutting a limb off a tree oblivious to the fact they are sitting on the wrong side of the saw.


Do not read: if the psychopath possesses you, they will want to control everything you do. It may appear as if they are power hungry and by dominating you, they quash that hunger. It is more nuanced to state however, psychopaths are vacuum cleaners desperate to acquire morsels of authenticity. Any display of charitable love will be confusing to the psychopath, but simultaneously, be highly prized buy them. Although they are incapable of selfless love, they do understand the power of its social viability. You cannot re-train a psychopath to be authentic, or to be genuinely compassionate; they are only capable of mimicking these qualities. In the process, they will feel a deep sense of shame. For what they are incapable of authentically displaying they will make up for by keeping the allure of your authenticity very close; like a moth to a flame, or more accurately, they are a moth enslaving the flame. Whatever they do to you to keep you close is driven by very powerful forces that are very difficult to unlearn. Such is the nature of their self acquisition; they acquired self late in childhood and devised it mostly for themselves, it lacks complexity and, subsequently, authenticity.


The skinny: Possession leads to consumption. Consumption leads to hunger. Beginning psychopaths must accept this irony. Becoming a slave to the puppet, self, is the ultimate act of possession. It will lead to anxiousness and a powerful feeling of lack. However, being possessed by your-self is a loss of freedom psychopaths must endure. 


How to be a psychopath lesson 6: The master-less puppet is in control of the place on the shelf it will be left to collect dust. In other words, having no-strings-attached is the opposite of freedom.


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